The Aspiring Athletic Administrators Academy (QUAD A) is an introduction to the duties and responsibilities specific to a Texas Athletic Administrator. The Texas High School Athletic Directors Association has created a program designed for those individuals who would like to pursue a career as an Athletic Administrator in the State of Texas. Major topics covered will provide an individual with an understanding of what Athletic Administrators must be familiar with in order to be successful in athletic administration. In addition, the QUAD A program will enable candidates to network with Athletic Administrators from across the state.
The basic topics below are examples of content presented within QUAD A (Aspiring Athletic Administrators Academy) and may be offered during the Spring Sponsor Showcase and State Conference.
- Athletic Budgets
- Hiring Coaches/Athletic staff
- How to Conduct Staff Meetings
- Managing Athletic Events
- UIL Requirements/DEC
- How to Interview for an Athletic Director Position
- The Importance of Networking
- Building a Positive Culture
Beginning with the 2025 Spring Sponsor Showcase event, QUAD A courses taken by participants will be tracked similar to TAAC Courses. Once a QUAD A participant completes a course from each QUAD A content area (100-700), they will receive a certificate of completion.
Resume Review
QUAD A Participants will have an opportunity to have their resume reviewed during the Spring Sponsor Showcase by a school district superintendent or athletic administrator.
Participants in QUAD A may attend TAAC sessions while participating in the QUAD A program. QUAD A courses are not counted toward the state certification program (TAAC).
You must be an Active or Associate member of the THSADA in order to attend any THSADA sanctioned event. QUAD A and TAAC session videos are available to those who register for the THSADA event.
For any questions please contact:
Johanna Denson johanna.denson@thsada.com
Jody Hormann jody.hormann@thsada.com