TAAC Info and Course List/Descriptions
The Texas Athletic Administrator Certificate (TAAC) is a THSADA State certification. TAAC is specific for athletic administrators in the State of Texas. The Texas-based curriculum will consist of courses that will enhance the ability of the Athletic Administrator to successfully perform the duties and responsibilities of an Athletic Administrator in the State of Texas.
How many TAAC courses do I still need to take?
This is only available for THSADA members. You will need to log into your THSADA member account. Eligible members will be able to watch select TAAC videos to achieve credit.
This is only available for THSADA members. You will need to log into your THSADA member account. Eligible members will be able to watch select TAAC videos to achieve credit.

The THSADA Spring Sponsor Showcase videos will be available to view until September 1st.
The Texas Athletic Administrator Certificate (TAAC) is a THSADA, two-year State certification. TAAC is specific for athletic administrators in the State of Texas, with an emphasis on UIL/TAPPS regulations. The Texas-based curriculum will consist of those courses that will enhance the Athletic Administrator’s ability to successfully perform the duties and responsibilities of an Athletic Administrator in the State of Texas.
Purpose of TAAC
- To better prepare the Athletic Administrator to carry out the duties and responsibilities of a Texas Secondary Athletic Administrator in grades 7-12.
- Prepare current, new and aspiring Athletic Administrators for a role in Texas Secondary Athletic Administration
How many TAAC courses do I still need to take?
This is only available for THSADA members. You will need to log into your THSADA member account. Eligible members will be able to watch select TAAC videos to achieve credit.

To receive a Texas Athletic Administrator’s Certificate
- Must be an Active/Associate member of THSADA
- Must complete ALL courses in Sections 100-500 of the TAAC course offerings
- Costs for TAAC courses are included in current THSADA Membership
- Courses are only offered at THSADA sanctioned events
- To access TAAC videos, members must have attended THSADA sanctioned events.
For any questions, please contact Johanna.Denson@thsada.com
Section One: Governance Courses:
UIL Courses
101 UIL Current Issues
102 UIL – Updates (Year)
103 UIL – DEC/SEC Protocols
104 UIL – PAPF/Waivers
105 UIL – UIL/TEA Side-By-Side Compliance
106 UIL – Section 21 Orientation
107 UIL – Conducting UIL Investigations
Section One: Governance Courses:
TAPPS Courses
110T – TAPPS Current Issues
111T – PAPF/International Students
112T – TAPPSTER/Forms
113T – DEC-AEC Protocols
114T – By Laws Guidance
115T – Executive Board/Proposals
116T – Reclassification-Realignment
Section Two: Organization/Administrative Procedures and Strategies
201 Critical Components of the Athletic Department Handbook
202 Athletic Personnel: Pre-Post Conference/Documentation/Evaluation and Recommendation
203 Managing the Athletic Administrator/Head Coach Position
204 Athletic Department-Organization/Management and Administration
205 School Finance/Budget Update
206 Athletic Facilities Management and Maintenance
207 Athletic Program Marketing
Section Three: Community/School Engagement
301 Professional Relationships with All Stakeholders in a Crisis
302 Texas School Law for Athletic Administrators (Part One)
303 Crisis Management/Conflict Resolution
304 Texas School Law for Athletic Administrators (Part Two)
Section Four: Athletic Facilities Planning, Construction and Management
401 Athletic Facility Project Planning and Programming
402 Considerations for Construction/Installation/Renovation Projects
403 Athletic Facility – Stadium Lighting
404 Considerations for the Selection of Various Athletic Competition Surfaces
405 Enhancing the Athletic Facility Experience
Section Five: Health and Safety
501 Legislative Mandates and UIL Required Documentation
502 Emergency Action Plans/Weather Safety: Policy and Decision Making – Current Trends and Best Practices
503 Concussion Management and Special Medical Conditions
TAAC Course number, year course was offered and the THSADA sanctioned event where course was offered. 2018-2019-2020 (Virtual)-2021 THSADA State Conference/FF-Fall Forum-2019/SSS-Spring Sponsors Showcase-2021